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  • Liquid Frost

From Away

Although the bulk of the book is character-driven, it is a foundational piece to a seven-part serial. Knowing this, there are a few action scenes and the end of this installment has some vicious action unfold. It leaves the reader in a total cliffhanger. Thus, as long as you are aware this is a serial and not a complete story, you won't get irritated at the abrupt ending. The surroundings and history are still pretty much a mystery at the conclusion of Part One. The primary setting is Mossley Island, which is a functional town in isolation. A teenager, Dawn, finally makes it to the island where her father left over 20 years ago. His journey, to investigate an accident. Hers - to learn more about her dad's side of the family. They both get more than they bargained for and the stage is set for the following six serials to flesh out the back-story, the secrets, and of course, shine a light on the evil that lurks around the island. In all a quick read with a variety of characters and some action sprinkled here and there. The story picks up steam toward the end. Aside from a few typos (wrong words), the writing is not bad. It is short, terse, verse in style.

4.4 of 5 stars From the Publisher:

Something lurks in the black waters surrounding Mossley Island. An arcane and eldritch horror. For fifty years, it's waited. Fading into myth. Allowing those who fought off its last invasion to succumb to age. Now, with the island all but unprotected, this ancient evil prepares to mount one last attack. The first chilling installment of this serialized story finds Dawn Lesguettes accompanying her father to the island. Though he is reluctant to return to his birthplace, Dawn has always wanted to learn more about her origins and hopes to reconnect with the family her wayward father abandoned before she was born. But Mossley Island is not welcoming to those from away, and investigating her unusual family background will soon lead Dawn to uncover chilling secrets best left buried, even as her arrival heralds the return of a darkness long thought vanquished. Featuring creepy nuns with mysterious motives, a sinister cabal of strangely robust senior citizens, and a militia of lighthouse keepers watching the ocean in case unspeakable terrors rise from the depths, this eerie seven-part serial will draw readers in with atmospheric tension and surprising twists, and refuse to let go as it hurtles towards a startling cliffhanger conclusion sure to leave everyone desperate for the next gripping chapter.

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