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  • Liquid Frost


Bad-Ass Brilliance.

Sad they are no more, or at least 'taking a break', but I hope others will experience their entire collection!

With two studio albums, Ballads 'n' Bullets (2011) and Stones at Goliath (2015), and two EPs:

Pandemonium (2010) and Goliath's End (2015), this Hand-Hammered Piano style makes for a unique vibe.

The tones are low with pianos, bass, and drums really driving the sound (no guitars!!). Layer upbeat vocals and catchy hooks and you have a winning combination.

I've reached out to the founder, Bastian Emig, to try to buy some merch - but he blew me off!! Oh well, I obviously don't hold that against him....much. Enjoy!

And it should go without saying, this is a compilation of THEIR work. Their channel.

On October 2, 2016, INLEGEND posted a final video to their Facebook page, thanking fans for coming along for the ride. They are taking "an inspirational break for a while," with Bastian working on a movie score and Daniel slaving away with recordings.

In any event, they haven't put any new music out for a year, but fans haven't forgotten their sound. I, for one, continue to thoroughly enjoy their entire collection. Their unique combination is, as cliche as it sounds, music to my ears.

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