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  • Liquid Frost

The Red Plague

Okay, if you are here and haven’t read the first two books, kindly about-face and start from the beginning. All upcoming words assume you have finished book 2. Thus, spoilers >> Seriously - go to The Last Warrior of Unigaea, the first book in the series, to begin. Okay, so this series first introduced readers to Oric, a player that built his Utopia, but it was destroyed by the Drachma Killers. Unfortunately, in this world, if your character dies, there is no respawn. Thus, Oric starts over, hell-bent on revenge. He, his wolf, a Solar Mage and Sam Raid join forces as something odd is going on, and it could destroy his chance for revenge AND the world itself. His journey sees new friends, foes, and good bits of violence. As the third and final installment for this trilogy begins, Oric is carting Wolf’s body away from the remaining Drachma Killers. He isn’t about to leave his pal behind and uses RAGE to give him the strength to continue on. He meets up with his ‘will they/won’t they’ girl, Sam Raid, and the scholarly giant, Lothar. Oric has a theory - a hope - This is all character/action driven and heavy on the Lit and soft on the RPG. The story has a definite conclusion, and provides possibilities of other adventures. Personally, the final installment felt a bit too rushed and the conclusion, as explosive as it was, was boom-boom - then a brief breath. Cooper typically lets readers decompress for a few pages, but not this time. If you are still reading, I told you there would be spoilers. I just high-leveled this set. You shouldn't be reading this. I've deleted a sentence or two, moved things around - but I can't resist. Wolf is back, bitches! And come on - you knew he had more story. Hell, he makes a future appearance in the Proxima Galaxy. 4.3 of 5 Stars. ARC provided by author. From the Publisher:

Following his massive personal loss in the second book, Oric Rune reaches the city of Tael to join Lothar and Sam Raid. Battered and bruised, but not yet ready to give up on his quest to save Unigaea, Oric and company set off for Tagvornin to address the Red Plague. With a newfound mission, and time running out as the Red Plague continues to spread, the moment for Oric to make his mark on Unigaea is now. But will he be able to? And is it even possible? Tight, brutal, and incredibly intense, the final installment in the Last Warrior Trilogy has all the electrifying gamer action, tongue-in-cheek humor, emotion, and plot twists that have made this an Amazon best-selling series.

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